EC communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation

On 2 May 2013 the EC published a Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation COM(2013) 253 final. The plan - updating the existing SET-Plan - aims to bridge the gap between research and market deployment and provide a boost for a wider range of energy technologies, including the cutting of energy consumption, and innovation in energy storage, radioactive waste management and alternative fuels (including biofuels), as well as renewable cooling and concentrated solar thermal power for industrial heating. A strengthened SET Plan steering group has been developing a roadmap for energy innovation. The new plan will be financed through the EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme and other sources such as the European Investment Bank and the Connecting Europe Facility. Funding would also come from the member states and the private sector.

See also: Technology Assessment SWD(2013) 158 final

and JRC Scientific and Policy Reports R & D Investment in the Technologies of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan

  • EC Legislation or Policy
Start Date - Duration:
02 May 2013 -


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