Archive - consultations for biofuels

Previous European Consultations on biofuels, sustainability and energy strategy

The EC Consultation on the Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies runs from 28/03/2013 to 02/07/2013. All EU citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation, including public authorities as well as other relevant stakeholders from outside the EU.

The EU has a clear framework to steer its energy and climate policies up to 2020 and is making good progress towards meeting its climate and energy targets for 2020. But providing clarity on a policy framework for 2030 is also needed, giving more certainty to investors, stimulate innovation and demand for low-carbon technologies and allow the EU to engage actively in the international negotiations for a new climate agreement.

The 2030 framework should build on the experience and lessons from the current framework. It should also take into account the longer term perspective set out by the Commission in the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050, the Energy Roadmap 2050 and the Transport White Paper. Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies raises a set of questions e.g. relating to the main lessons from the 2020 framework; type, nature and level of climate and energy targets for 2030; coherence between different policy instruments; competitiveness and security of energy supply; and distribution of efforts between Member States.

This public consultation asks for insights and viewpoints on the basis of the questions included in the Green Paper with a view of informing the on-going work within the Commission of developing a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies.

On 21 September the EC launched a public consultation Bio-based industries, towards a public-private partnership under Horizon 2020?. The survey sought input on the creation of a public-private partnership to promote research and innovation under Horizon 2020, the next EU Research Framework Programme and and concluded on 14 December 2012.

In October 2012 the EIB launched a public consultation on the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) Energy Sector Lending Policy. Additional information about this public consultation, including background material about the scope of the review, can be found on the EIB website. The consultation concluded on 31st December 2012. A public consultation meeting was held on Friday 7th December 2012 in Brussels, from 9.30 to 12.30 at the Bibliothèque Solvay, Leopoldpark, 137 rue Belliard, Brussels,

The European Commission organised a consultation for preparing future EU activities for integrating and opening national research infrastructures. The consultation ran from 15 July to 22 October 2012, and was a follow-up to Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) actions on "Integrating Activities" (see list of FP7 funded projects). The aim of these activities is to provide a wider and more efficient access to, and use of, the research infrastructures existing in EU Member States, Associated Countries, and at international level when appropriate.

A Public Consultation on the Renewable Energy Strategy ran from 6 December 2011 - 7 February 2012. This public consultation had the aim of soliciting the view of interested parties to assess in how far the orientations of the current policy framework remain valid in the medium term - i.e. until 2030. 

A Public Consultation on the Clean Transport Systems (CTS) initiative ran from 11 August - 6 October 2011. Contributions are welcomed from all stakeholders, including members of the public, with an interest in low-carbon transport.

The public consultation on accounting methods for 10% renewable target in transport (with specific additional reference to biofuels) ran from 14 April 2011 until 14 June 2011.This consultation concerns the method of accounting for renewable electricity, hydrogen and biomethane towards the Renewable Energy Directive's (Directive 2009/28/EC) 10% target for renewable energy in transport by 2020. It further concerns the potential update of Annex III to the Directive containing a list of energy contents of biofuels.

Public consultation on the The public consulation on the Strategic Transport Technology Plan (STTP) ran until 28 May 2011. The consultation provided any interested party with an opportunity to contribute to the preparation of the STTP.

The public consultation on the Bio-based economy for Europe: state of play and future potential was intended to provide opportunities for inputs from those directly or indirectly linked to the bio-based economy sectors, including representatives of public authorities, businesses and associations, academics and technical experts, civil society organisations and individual citizens. The closing date for contributions was 2 May 2011.

Consultation on the update to the EBTP SRA/SDD

A consultation on the Update to the EBTP Strategic Research Agenda and Strategy Deployment Document SRA/SDD commenced on 19th April 2010 and continued until 31 May 2010.

Thank you for the comments and recommendations received from stakeholders and members of the public.

Links to the EBTP SRA Update 2010 (published July 2010) and the original EBTP SRA/SDD (published January 2008) and further information can be found on the SRA/SDD page.


Indirect Land Use Change and Biofuels consultation ran from 30/07/2010 to 31/10/2010. Indirect land use change is a subject of great complexity. The Commission consulted on a wide basis; seeking advice on both the scale and characteristics of the problem, as well as, if the scale of the problem is significant enough, how it should be addressed. The Commission has issued several studies on the topic (see link below), together with the consultation document. Interested parties were asked to to base their contributions on these studies, where comments on assumptions, data and methodology are of special interest, as well as on other analytical work. The Commissions is also seeking advice on concrete policy options.

Links to ILUC studies, Consultation document and Instructions on Submitting comments to the EC Consultation on ILUC and Biofuels


Towards a new Energy Strategy for Europe 2011-2020 - Consultation 07.05.2010 - 02.07.2010

The overall goal of European energy policy is to ensure that consumers and enterprises obtain safe, secure, sustainable and low-carbon energy at affordable and competitive prices. The challenges of global energy security and energy geopolitics, slow progress in combating climate change at the global level, the urge to recover on growth and jobs in the EU and the need to invest in tomorrow's energy networks call for a new Energy Strategy to further deliver on those objectives.

Completing the internal energy market, achieving energy savings and promoting low-carbon innovation are the main vectors to reach the objectives of competitiveness, sustainability and security of supply. An open global business climate and a more coherent and effective approach to the EU external energy relations will also help us to reach our objectives.

Submissions are to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 2 July 2010.

A public consultation on Biodiverse grassland, biofuels and bioliquids ran from
14.12.2009 - 08.02.2010

The sustainability requirements of the Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources establish that raw materials used for the production of biofuels and bioliquids may not be produced on land that had the status of highly biodiverse grassland in or after January 2008. The objective of the consultation is to seek views on possible approaches to define the criteria and ranges of highly biodiverse grasslands. This will feed into the drafting of a Commission Decision on the establishment of criteria and ranges of highly biodiverse grasslands for the purpose of Directive 2009/28/EC.

The Commission is required to establish such criteria and ranges according to Article 17(3)c of the Directive 2009/28/EC.

There is a similar requirement, as far as biofuels are concerned, in the Fuel Quality Directive [98/70/EC]

An EC public consultation on the future EU 2020 strategy ran from 24.11.2009 to 15.01.2010. Comments were invited from all stakeholders.

"In presenting his programme for the new Commission, President Barroso set out his vision for where the European Union should be in 2020. He believes that the exit from the current crisis should be the point of entry into a new sustainable social market economy, a smarter, greener economy where our prosperity will result from innovation and from using resources better, and where knowledge will be the key input. To make this transformation happen, Europe needs a common agenda: the EU 2020 strategy.

This strategy should enable the EU to make a full recovery from the crisis, while speeding up the move towards a smart and green economy. EU 2020 will build on the successes obtained by the Lisbon strategy since its 2005 relaunch, which focused on growth and jobs, but will also address some of the Lisbon strategy's shortcomings.

The Commission intends to present a formal proposal for the EU 2020 strategy early next year, with a view to the EU's Heads of State and government adopting the strategy at their spring 2010 meeting. In the meantime, the Commission would like to hear your views on some suggested broad policy considerations for the future EU2020 strategy."