European Biofuels Technology Platform
3rd Stakeholder Plenary Meeting

Developing the contribution of
sustainable biofuels
to EU 2020 targets


14th April 2010
Diamant Conference and Business Centre, Brussels

Overview Presentations CVs & Abstracts Press Release


The Third Stakeholder Plenary Meeting of EBTP was a one day conference for all biofuels stakeholders held at the Diamant Centre, Brussels on 14 April 2010. This page includes:

ebtp spm3

Stakeholders question the panel during the sustainability discussion
session at EBTP SPM3.



The wider framework shaping biofuels development continues to evolve rapidly. Worldwide biofuels production and consumption is on the rise despite considerable swings in market conditions for feedstocks and end products. Policy & regulations supporting the development of biofuels are developing in many parts of the world. In the EU, the adoption of the Renewable Energy and Fuel Quality Directives in June 2009 was an important milestone.

These Directives set binding targets for renewable energies in the transport sector for the first time, and link them to mandatory sustainability requirements that address both GHG reduction and nature conservation criteria. In parallel, significant progresses towards implementation of the SET Plan and its Industrial Initiatives are ongoing, while industry and research actors are moving forward with ambitious R&D&D programmes on advanced biofuels, paving the way for the large industrial deployment needed to meet the ambitious 2020 EU targets.

The European Biofuels TP has developed its activities adjusting to this fast moving and complex context. Its contribution to shaping the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative has been actively pursued, with an important milestone reached at the Stockholm SET Plan conference in October 2009. The scope of EBTP’s activities has been enlarged to cover new topics such as algae as a potential feedstock, and new downstream markets for biofuels, such as aviation and marine transport. 

Reflecting on the significant evolution of the wider market and regulatory framework and these new developments, EBTP has initiated the first update of its Strategic Research Agenda & Deployment Document (SRA/SDD), offering a timely perspective on the main challenges and priorities for biofuels R&D&D.

The core of EBTP‘s mission is to offer an open forum to all active stakeholders willing to contribute to the development of sustainable biofuels and competitive biofuels technologies. Gathering the wide spectrum of biofuels stakeholders, the 3rd Stakeholder Plenary Meeting is offering a timely opportunity to discuss the outcome of EBTP’s activities around EIBI and the update of the SRA/SDD. These discussions will provide a fresh perspective on how to boost the contribution of sustainable biofuels to EU 2020 targets.

Véronique Hervouet,
Chair of the Steering Committee, European Biofuels TP



pdf iconEBTP SPM3 Press Release (74Kb PDF)



pdf iconSpeaker CVs and Abstracts (1.4Mb PDF)


Véronique Hervouet, Chair of the Steering Committee, European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP)

Véronique Hervouet




Moderator: Véronique Hervouet, Chair SC, EBTP



Biofuels and the road to the EU Energy & Climate 2020 targets – perspectives from the European Commission
Raffaele Liberali, Director Directorate K - Energy, DG Research

Raffaele Liberali



Betting on science, disruptive technologies in transport fuels
Ian O'Gara, European Biofuels Lead, Accenture
pdf iconView Presentation by Ian O' Gara (986Kb PDF)

Ian O'Gara






Moderator: Sandrine Dixson-Declève, EBTP SC
The University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership

Sandrine Dixson-Declève



Defining and implementing sustainability for biofuels - views from the European Commission
Ron van Erck, DG Energy C.1
pdf iconView Presentation by Ron Van Erck (353Kb PDF)

Ron van Erck



R&D topics for the sustainability of biofuels: Key messages from the SRA update
Daniela Thrän, German Biomass Research Centre gGmbH (DBFZ)
pdf iconView Presentation by Daniela Thrän (70Kb PDF)

Daniela Thrän



Defining and implementing sustainability for biofuels - views from Industry and NGOs - Panel Discussion

Robert Vierhout, EBTP WG5 Markets and Regulation
eBIO European Bioethanol Fuel Association
(pictured right)



Frederic Hauge, EBTP Steering Commitee
Bellona Foundation
(pictured centre below)

Martina Fleckenstein, WWF (pictured below)



Daniela Thrän, German Biomass Research Centre gGmbH (DBFZ)




Moderator: Markku Karlsson, Vice-Chair, EBTP Steering Commitee & Chair WG1 Biomass Availability and Supply
UPM Kymmene Corporation

Markku Karlsson



Algae for the production of fuels and chemicals
Luc Haspeslagh, EBTP Algae Task Force
pdf iconView Presentation by Luc Haspeslagh (905Kb PDF)

Luc Haspeslagh



R&D topics on biofuel feedstocks: Key messages from the SRA update
Markku Karlsson, Vice-Chair, EBTP Steering Commitee & Chair WG1 Biomass Availability and Supply
UPM Kymmene Corporation

pdf iconView Presentation by Markku Karlsson (132Kb PDF)



Raffaello Garofalo, Chair EBTP Algae Task Force
European Biodiesel Board (EBB) & European Algae Biomass Association (EABA)

pdf iconView Presentation by Raffaello Garofalo (64Kb PDF)

Raffaello Garofalo




Moderator: Jukka-Pekka Nieminen, Chair EBTP WG3 Distribution & Use
Neste Oil (pictured seated on right below)



Introduction to Biomap "Time-enabled Mapping and Dissemination Tool for Biofuels Projects"
Julie Tolmie, King's College London

View BIOMAP project website         Online BioMap Tool      

Julie Tolmie



Biofuels in Aviation – main drivers and challenges – an overview
Christian Dumas, EBTP SC

pdf iconView Presentation by Christian Dumas (1.3Mb PDF)

Christian Dumas



Biofuels technical standards and their role in market development
Ortwin Costenoble, CEN TC 19
pdf iconView Presentation by Ortwin Costenoble
(291Kb PDF)

Ortwin Costenoble



R&D topics on biofuels distribution and use: Key messages from the SRA update

Henrik Landälv, Vice Chair of EBTP WG3 Distribution & Use

pdf iconView Presentation by Henrik Landälv (72Kb PDF)

Henrik Landälv




Moderator: Anders Röj, Vice Chair EBTP Steering Committee

Anders Röj



Advances in biological pathways
Anders Lau Tuxen, Novozymes (pictured below)
pdf iconView Presentation by Anders Lau Tuxen (685Kb PDF)

Anders Lau Tuxen


Michael Persson, Inbicon (pictured below)
pdf iconView Presentation by Michael Persson (2.35Mb PDF)

Michael Persson



Advances in thermochemical conversion pathways

Pierre Porot, Co-Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
IFP (pictured below)

pdf iconView SRA Presentation by Pierre Porot and Ingvar Landälv (2.7Mb PDF)

Pierre Porot


Ingvar Landälv, Co-Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
Chemrec AB (pictured below)

Ingvar Landälv



R&D topics on processing technologies: Key messages from the SRA update
Kai Sipilä, Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
pdf iconView SRA Presentation by Kai Sipilä (87Kb PDF)

Kai Sipilä


EIBI- the value chain approach
Kai Sipilä, Chair EBTP WG2 Conversion Processes
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

pdf iconView EIBI Presentation by Kai Sipilä (146Kb PDF)



EIBI – objectives and activities
Markku Karlsson, Vice-Chair, EBTP Steering Committee & Chair WG1 Biomass Availability & Supply
UPM Kymmene Corporation

pdf iconView EIBI Presentation by Markku Karlsson (169Kb PDF)



EIBI – the Implementation Plan
Véronique Hervouet, Chair EBTP Steering Committee

pdf iconView EIBI Presentation by Véronique Hervouet (112Kb PDF)




Véronique Hervouet, Chair EBTP Steering Committee