Advisory Groups

General Advisory Board and Coordination Group

In addition to the already existing panels and their tasks, an Advisory Board (AB) and a Coordination Group (CG) were established, and took up their work in October 2017. The AB is expected to give advice and feedback to the activities of the platform. The Advisory Board consists of the technical experts appointed by Member States involved in relevant bioenergy issues as identified in the SET Plan priorities (one per Member State and EC Officials from DG RTD). Thus, the AB is the interface between the ETIP Bioenergy and the Member States. The role and composition of the AB are linked, to some extent, to the Member State component of the former European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI). The current members of the AB are listed in the following table:
Per Arne KarlsenResearch Council of NorwayNorway
Kurt PollakNew Energies & StrategiesAustria
Jonas LindmarkSwedish Energy AgencySweden
Franco CotanaCIRIAF – Università degli Studi di PerugiaItaly
Myrsini ChristouCenter for Renewable Energy Sources and SavingGreece
Birger KerckowAgency for Renewable Resources (FNR)Germany
Freek Smedema
RvOThe Netherlands
Timo RitonummiMinistry of Economic Affairs and EmploymentFinland
Francisco DominguezRenewable Energy Directorate at IDAE – Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Agenda DigitalSpain
Patricia ThornleyUniversity of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
Isil Isik-Gülsac
Tubitak Marmara Research Center

The CG is formed by the chair of the SC and one representative from the Secretariat of the platform, two representatives of the AB from Member States and two representatives of the European Commission/DG RTD. The CG is in charge of coordinating the work between the SC and the AB. It is further responsible for organising the meetings of the AB, preparing the draft agendas for the AB and monitoring the implementation of the decisions agreed by the AB. 

Name Affiliation Country
Maria Georgiadou European Commission DG RTD Belgium
Dina Bacovski BEST Austria
Monika Enigl BEST Austria
Patrik Klintbom RISE Viktoria Sweden
Jonas Lindmark Swedish Energy Agency Sweden
Thomas Schleker European Commission DG RTD Belgium
Patricia Thornley Aston College United Kingdom
Imke Lubekke CINEA Belgium