ETIP-B2022-2025 Project
The project
Since June 2022, ETIP Bioenergy has been supported by the dedicated project ETIP-B2022-2025 (Grant Agreement no. 101075503). Funded under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, this project aims to amplify the platform’s influence among bioenergy stakeholders on both European and global scales.
In alignment with the call outcomes, ETIP-B2022-2025 specifically focuses on empowering renewable fuel and advanced bioenergy stakeholders to contribute more effectively to the EU Green Deal and, particularly, the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. ETIP Bioenergy is committed to actively engaging with these stakeholders and civil society, connecting their needs to policymaking at the European Commission and Member State levels, and offering guidance to the industry. The ETIP-B2022-2025 project is instrumental in supporting ETIP Bioenergy in fulfilling this mission.
How does the project work
ETIP-B2022-2025 project team facilitates discussions and interaction between
stakeholders and ETIP Bioenergy working groups on crucial topics related to the
accelerated deployment of the most promising value chains for bioenergy, advanced
biofuels, and renewable fuels technologies.
current debates with scientifically accurate, unbiased information will help
stakeholders gain the policy, legal framework, and technical support they need
for their investment strategies in the near future.
A key tool
to achieve this goal is the ETIP Bioenergy website, which provides valuable
resources on advanced bioenergy and renewable fuels, in addition to a series of
policy meetings, technical workshops, webinars and networking events.
the vital role of civil society engagement, the project will also conduct a
comparative analysis of how public involvement in bioenergy technology
development and promotion varies across different countries and political
levels. The aim is to understand new trends and developments in promoting
public involvement, the benefits it offers, best practice examples, and the
limitations of current methods. Both top-down efforts led by government actors
and bottom-up initiatives driven by citizens will be considered.
The ETIP-B-2022-2025 consortium
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies has more than 20 years of experience in biomass to energy research, application and related policy. BEST was leading the sector monitoring in the ETIP B SABS 2 project. Currently BEST is involved in 5 IEA Bioenergy Tasks. BEST has experience in bioenergy technologies as well as in research related to societal risks and acceptance, motive analysis and a good knowledge on gender and intersecting aspects in research projects.
BEST is in charge of overall project management as well as direct support to ETIP Bioenergy, and will have a strong role in stakeholder engagement activities that directly tie to work of the SC or the WGs.
RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden AB has long experience of bioenergy and biomass in the areas of research, development, demonstration and deployment. RISE also possesses a growing technology infrastructure in the field. Currently RISE is involved in ETIP Bioenergy where Patrik Klintbom is the Chair of the SC since 2018. RISE is also coordinating the CSA SET4BIO and leading the innovation challenge under the same project. Furthermore, RISE is involved in the WGs of ETIP Bioenergy.
RISE will take over responsibility for sector monitoring and reorganize, update and expand the website content. Also, RISE will lead the innovation challenge, utilizing the model developed in the SET4BIO project.
EUREC – The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers is the project’s ears and eyes in Brussels representing the views of 39 research centres on European policy impacting R&I in energy to EU institutions. Maintaining connections to ETIPs is integral to its work. EUREC’s coordination of the project SMARTSPEND (2018-2021) built on previous experience in bringing ETIPs together to define joint positions since 2016. It coordinates the RHC ETIP (Renewable Heating and Cooling) which has a ‘Technology Panel’ on bioenergy.
EUREC will be in charge of joint activities with other ETIPs and stakeholder fora, drawing on its experience in coordinating R&I actors.
ETA-Florence Renewable Energies is an Italian consultancy and engineering firm active in the field of renewable energy and has 25 years of expertise in dissemination, communication and exploitation of results and activities of European R&I projects, particularly in the field of biomass, bioenergy and the bioeconomy, including the former 2 support projects to ETIP Bioenergy (ETIP Bioenergy SABS and ETIP B SABS II) and SET4BIO. Since 2019 ETA is also in charge of delivering communication services to IEA Bioenergy and since 2000 it is the organizer of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition.
ETA will continue handling all communication and dissemination activities of the project and organize most project events. ETA has long experience in creating outreach products in the field of renewable fuels and bioenergy.
CSD – the Centre for the Study of Democracy is a European public policy research institute, which combines research excellence with advocacy for piloting social innovation and institutional reforms in Europe across several areas, most notably energy governance, energy transition, economic development and innovation studies.