Intermediate crops for low ILUC biofuels in the EU – webinar slides and video available

On October 4, 2024 ETIP Bioenergy Working Group 1 – Biomass supply organized a webinar on intermediate crops for low ILUC biofuels in the EU.

Intermediate crops are fast growing annual crops that can be cultivated between main food crops or during fallow periods. These crops can provide numerous benefits, including soil improvement, biodiversity enhancement, and serving as a sustainable feedstock for advanced biofuels.

Over 120 participants attended this webinar, which provided up-to-date information to set the scene for intermediate crops in the European Union for low-ILUC-risk biofuels, to understand the current state of research, as well as insights to the role and opportunities for farmers.

Agenda and slides

Introduction by moderator

Calliope Panoutsou (chair ETIP Bioenergy Working Group 1)

New Annex IX feedstocks
Gemma Toop – Guidehouse

Intermediate crops as a pathway to low ILUC biofuels in the European Union

Cato Sandford -Cerulogy

Research on intermediate crops

Efi Alexopoulou & Myrsini Christou, CRES Greece

The role of European farmers: acceptance, risks and opportunities

Pablo Fernandez, Juan Sagarna- Agro- Alimentarias, Spain

Economic and environmental aspects of intermediate crops

Daniela Thrän, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

Conclusions – summary sllide

Watch the video of the webinar below